Sun melts away winter as Malton’s monthly food market returns

Winter was truly over… for the weekend at least, as Malton celebrated the warmest day of the year with the return of its monthly food market attracting locals and visitors alike to the bustling town centre.

“Traders often comment that the first monthly food market of the year feels like a real marker in the calendar for the start of the year, and what a start we had this weekend,” comments Mark Brayshaw, head of Visit Malton, the CIC that organises the monthly event.  “Wall-to-wall sunshine brought people out to enjoy a taste of what 2025 has to offer – and our huge range of stall holders didn’t disappoint, with many selling out as their wares proved exceptionally popular!”

The market included a host of new traders, highlighting locally-produced ranges from curry to Biltong, Portuguese tarts and other sweet treats. Picnic benches provided the perfect location for alfresco dining in the sunshine with the award-winning Millers Fish & Chips filling the air with the mouth-watering smells of frying food and freshly-roasted meats were available from Bubba’s Smokin’ Hog Roast and BBQ – both of these great traders will be back next month. 

“Malton is a market town, with the Market Place very much at the centre of the community, and a host of shops surrounding the square offering complementary products, from fresh fruit and veg to stunning home décor and books.  It is a great shopping experience at any time, but the Monthly Food Market literally puts the cherry on top of the cake,” adds Mark.

Saturday also saw many shops in the town celebrating the female entrepreneurs behind them, as Malton marked International Women’s Day with pink fans and balloons highlighting female-run businesses in the town.  Many shops offered discounts or made charitable donations when people purchased particular products, with the proceeds going to Breast Cancer Now.

The next Malton Monthly Food Market takes place in the middle weekend of the Easter holidays, Saturday 12 April, and following that, it is the second Saturday of each month until November.  December’s event is replaced by the Christmas Festival on 6 & 7 December.  For even more foody goodness, the Malton Food Lovers Festival returns over the late May bank holiday weekend, Saturday 24 – Monday 26 May 2025.

For more details, please go to



Please credit images to Richard Ponter on behalf of Visit Malton CIC.


For further media information or photographs, please contact:

Jay Commins

Pyper York Limited

Tel:        01904 500698



Guest Blog: Celebrating International Women's Day -My Tribute to Malton’s Female-Led Businesses