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Malton Museum Roman Festival 2025

  • Orchard Fields Old Maltongate Malton, England, YO17 7DX United Kingdom (map)

Malton Roman Festival 2025


Its July the 20th  2025 and early in the morning nothing stirs except the birds in the trees. The sun is up and it’s a lovely day and then from far away the sounds of marching men and horses as once again the Malton Museum Roman Festival arrives to reclaim the fort and vicus of Delgovicia (now known as Orchard Field) for the Emporer.

All citizens of Malton, Norton and the surrounding area are invited to attend from 10 o’clock in the morning to 4 o’clock in the afternoon to enjoy demonstrations of marching, fighting and horsemanship as well as displays of archaeology and Roman life. And there’s plenty for the younger citizens to do as well but be aware! – they might be recruited into the Kids Roman Army and put through their marching skills by one of the legionaries. We are in the process of lining up authors and other speakers.

Food and drink will be plentiful on site with savoury and sweet items from local traders.

We are now taking applications from groups, Roman historical societies, traders and traditional craft workers who would like to attend.


Notes for editors

The settlement of Delogovicia was a calvary base and established around AD71.

Formerly thought to be Derventio, recent research has suggested that Derventio was more likely to have been Stamford Bridge and Delogvicia is now the more widely accepted name for the Orchard Field site.

Malton Museum reopens for the season on 3rd April and has many items from the fort and local villas such as Langton and Hovingham on display.

July 19

Cosy Cottage Soap Making Workshop

August 9

Malton Monthly Food Market