Guest Blog Post: Christmas Shopping in Malton
An inaugural Malton Christmas shopping guest blog post written by Alex Curtis, proprietor of independent Malton business, Bowley & Jackson.

On Your Marks, Get Set, Eat! Hundreds Turn Out In Malton for the Return of “Britain’s Tastiest 10K!”
Passers-by may have been confused to see a number of giant food items including bananas, hot dogs, pea pods and even a slice of birthday cake running around the streets of Malton this weekend.

Marthon du Malton 10k Returns
Malton’s foodie-themed 10k returns on Sunday 17th September 2023. With delicious food and drink stops throughout the course, you can run, jog or walk your way around the course – it’s open to everyone!

Back For Seconds! Malton Food Lovers Festival Returns For August Bank Holiday Weekend 2023.
The countdown is on for the Summer Malton Food Lovers Festival, which is taking place on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th August 2023, & it promises to be a weekend of foodie fun for the whole family.

Get In Tune With Meadowfest: Everything You Need To Know About This Year’s Festival
Planning on heading to Meadowfest this year? Here's everything you need to know about Malton’s midsummer boutique music festival.

Sun Shines for the Return of “Yorkshire’s Foodie Glastonbury”: The Malton Food Lovers Festival 2023.
Over 40,000 visitors soaked up the sun at the Spring Malton Food Lovers Festival during the May bank holiday weekend.